There may be times when you want to obtain funds from your customer prior to the order shipping. XOMS makes this easy by providing a couple options under the More Menu
DEPOSIT REQUEST - This option will create a document based on the percentage you are requesting for payment. The customer will be able to see all the items they are ordering and can call the Accounts Receivable Team with their payment.
PREPAYMENT REQUEST – This option will create an email with a link to the customer payment portal based upon the amount you are requesting for payment. This option is beneficial for quick and easy payment. However, it does not include any documentation.
Both options provide benefits to getting payment from your customer. However, as a customer I may want the convenience of paying online but may also need documentation to get approved by my finance group. Well, I wanted to show you a way where you can combine the two methods.
Go to the More Button and Select Prepayment Request.
Enter in your prepayment amount. Change the customers email address to yours. Copy the text in the body of the email (most important) and then click Send to make the link live
Go back to More and now select Print Deposit Request. Put in your Percent Required and click on Create.
Paste the blurb you copied into the body of the message. You can even edit to say what you like and press send!
You customer now will receive the Deposit Request document with a link to pay in the customer portal.
If you have any questions on the process, please feel free to contact Affiliate Services at 800-850-3370 or